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ESCAP – ARTNeT – ITD Online Course on Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development 2021

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The International Institute for Trade and Development (Public Organization) in cooperation with United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) co-organized

the ESCAP – ARTNeT – ITD Online Course on Trade Facilitation for Sustainable Development between 1st November 2021 – 3rd December 2021, via Webex online platform.

The opening and welcoming ceremony was presided over by Mr. Manu Sitthiprasasana, Executive Director of International Institute for Trade and Development and Ms. Rupa Chanda, Director of Trade, Investment and Innovation Division, UNESCAP.

This 5-week online training workshop was leaded by Special Advisor, Dr. Somnuk Keretho from Department of Computer Engineering Kasetsart University and special experts such as Dr. Mohammad Saeed, Senior Advisor of Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business at International Trade Centre, Dr. Pamela Ugaz, Economic Affairs Officer of Trade Facilitation Section at UNCTAD and Mr. Yann Duval, Chief of Trade Policy and Facilitation Section, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division (TIID), ESCAP.

The objectives of the workshop were to improve public and private sector stakeholders’ understanding of trade facilitation, enhance in-depth capacity and comprehensiveness in terms of using trade facilitation instruments, and ensure successful execution of trade facilitation measures. In particular, the workshop has focused on the implement of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC), Business Process Analysis (BPA) and Trade Information Portals (TIPs).

There were 24 of local and foreign participants from policy makers, government officials and stakeholders in trade facilitation sector attending the training workshop.

 By the completion of the training workshop, the participants had the common understanding in terms of utilizing trade facilitation instruments and ensuring the implementation of trade facilitation measures effectively, as well as applying the selected techniques to analyze and improve trade facilitation performance.
