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Virtual International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (ICOMSA 2022) “Challenges of Blue Economy in Marine Trade, Science and Aquaculture”

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International Institute for Trade and Development (Public Organization) has co-organized with the International Ocean Institute (IOI) in organizing the side-event “Challenges of Sustainable Blue Economy in Marine Trade, Science and Aquaculture” on March 8th, 2022 in Virtual International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (ICOMSA 2022) by Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Whereas resource person and experts from various institutions and organizations such as the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), University of Malta, and Turkish Marine Research Foundation, were gathered to be the honorary speakers of this event and exchanging knowledge in Sustainable Blue Economy implementation and development, including analyzes of probable challenges and risks to the marine ecosystems, resources, and environment in the future.

In this respect, Ms. Sirikan Prasertying, Director, Office of International Cooperation, International Institute for Trade and Development (Public Organization) was invited to be an honorary expert speaker in the topic “Perspective on Blue Economy Development Framework: Approaching Sustainable Economic Growth in Southeast Asia” emphasizing on the development of economic and trade policies, influences from seaborne trade to marine environment and resources, the consideration of environmental factor in international trade promotion, and the development of cooperation for the purpose of the Ocean Health recovery and conservation of marine ecosystems.
