Research Report
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Thailand’s International Investment Agreements: Moving Towards A More Balanced Investment Protection Regime?

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On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the International Institute for Trade and Development (ITD), the ITD hosted “Trade and Development Regional forum 2021” with the theme of “Recharging Asia: Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development amidst Post Pandemic World” to encourage discussions between policymakers, private sector, academics, and all individuals on developing approaches and guidelines for Asia to fully re-emerge to its true potential both economic and social perspectives from the tide of COVID-19.

In order to better understand the pandemic consequences and recommend possible solutions, the ITD also launch commission papers on 5 different topics, which are 1) BCG Model: Fostering Sustainable Development in Thai Economy 2) COVID-19 and Disruption in Supply Chains: Case study of Asia-Pacific Region 3) E-commerce in India and Japan 4) The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic to unlocking the potential Aid for eTrade in Laos 5) Thailand’s International Investment Agreements: Moving Towards A More Balanced Investment Protection Regime?

The paper “Thailand’s International Investment Agreements: Moving Towards A More Balanced Investment Protection Regime?” conduct preliminary reviews of the investment chapter in the RCEP Agreement and the CPTPP in order to determine whether Thailand has moved towards a more balanced investment protection regime or not.

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