
The International Hybrid Seminar: The Futures of Maritime Supply Chains in Southeast Asia

What is the impact of COVID-19 on the maritime transport? This question is the common thread of the international hybrid seminar that the International Institute for Trade and Development (Public Organization) or ITD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development or UNTAD and the Thai National Shippers’ Council or TNSC are organizing in Bangkok, on 28 February 2023. The seminar will gather personalities, researchers and national and international authorities in the maritime transport will be divided into 2 sessions: 1) The Future of Maritime Transportation in Thailand (Thai Language) and 2) Review of Maritime Transport 2022 – Navigating Stormy Waters (English Language). In addition to discussing the importance of maritime transport for full development in Thailand, the event will also call attention to COVID-19 and the futures of maritime supply chains.

The International Hybrid Seminar: The Futures of Maritime Supply Chains in Southeast Asia

calendar 28 February 2023 28 February 2023

time 13:30 - 17:00 น.

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About the event organizer
International Institute For Trade And Development
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calendar 28 February 2023 - 28 February 2023

time 13:30 - 17:00 น.

loation Online

Contact the event organizer

International Institute for Trade and Development

+66 (0) 2216 1894-7
