The Asia- Pacific Workshop on UNCTAD’s Phase 3 of IIA Reform: Improving Investment Policy Coherence and Synergies, co-hosted by the International Institute for Trade and Development (ITD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand (MFA of Thailand), and the International Institute for Sustainable and Development (IISD), provides a technical training on International Investment Agreements (IIA) reform Phase 3 based on UNCTAD’s roadmap and UNCTAD’s IIA Reform Accelerator. The purpose of this training is to equip stakeholders and state representatives with guidance, policy options and tools in accordance with UNCTAD’s IIA Reform Package with a focus on Phase 3 reforms. The training will also provide an opportunity for participants to share expertise and best practices in order for participants to critically assess national and international investment policy, and identify areas for policy coherence and synergy to inform the reform direction.
Therefore, ITD would like to co-organize the Asia-Pacific Workshop on UNCTAD’s Phase 3 of IIA Reform: Improving Investment Policy Coherence and Synergies during 28 – 30 April 2021 via online Webex virtual platform.